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Easy to grow seeds perfect for your survivalist kit, sustainable living, and emergency preparedness. This carefully curated collection features a diverse range of resilient nutritious vegetable seeds, designed to thrive in extreme climates and conditions. These seeds only need to be planted once since they are either perennial or self-seeding. They are packed full of nutrients and most of them are edible within a few weeks and can be harvested throughout the season. Secure your food independence and embrace self-sufficiency. The collection includes the following:

  • Red Italiko Dandelion - perennial 

  • Sorrel Salad Greens - perennial 

  • Maximilian Sunflowers - perennial 

  • Arugula - self-seeding 

  • Amaranth - self-seeding 

  • Southern Giant Curled Mustard - frost hardy nutritious green


About the Seeds:

Red Italiko Dandelion:

These dandelion greens dress up a plate with their bright red stems. This green is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with calcium, antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C, and D and minerals iron, zinc and potassium. They grow perennially in extremely hot summers over 100 degrees and frosty winters.


Sorrel Salad Greens:

This pretty salad green has starkly contrasting green leaves with dark red veination. It's flavor is bright and tangy. Harvesting young is recommended for the tenderest leaves. A nutritional powerhouse, sorrel is rich in vitamin A, iron and magnesium. It is a cool season annual and can be succession planted every two weeks for continuous harvest.


Maximilian Sunflowers:

This perennial native North American superstar sunflower is hardy in all USDA zones. It grows in a wild, prairie pattern and pops back up year after year, spreading rhizomatically. These are amazing multifunctional landscaping plants that can reduce erosion with their dense root system, contain grass areas as a border due to their alelopathic chemicals, bioremediate (filter toxins out of) water and soil, foster wildlife habitat, feed humans and look beautiful!



Arugula is a peppery nutrition-packed green that grows great all year round. It adds spice to salads and vitamins to sandwiches! You can start harvesting within 20 days. This heirloom is a desert favorite because it thrives in extreme heat of 100+ degrees, dry conditions and poor soil. Importantly, most critters don't like the spicy taste, but we humans sure do!



This is a dramatic plant with dark red foliage and bright red flowerspires. The leaves are delicious and nutritious in salads, especially as baby leaves. The flowers make stunning bouquets. Their seedheads produce a toastable grain similar to quinoa. They thrive in extremely high heat over 100 degrees.


Southern Giant Curled Mustard:

This spicy winter green deters critters, tastes delicious in stirfrys and salads and grows courageously through the roughest months of winter. Mustard is rich is antioxidants, vitamin B and C. It is a cool season annual and can be succession planted every two weeks for continuous harvest.

Survivalist Kit Seed Collection

SKU: 31
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